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Edelvives, Zaragoza, 2018
Colección: Wacky Families
De 10 a 12 años. Novela. Inglés.
111 p.; 15x21 cm.; rústica; 1ª ed., 1ª imp.; papel; ISBN: 978-84-140-1121-8
All families have their peculiarities, some more than others! TJ (Tarzan Junior) is a boy, the son of a father named Tarzan, with four sisters named Jane, as his mother. His grandmother is a gorilla and his pet, Egbert, is a slug that always goes on a skateboard. In his small town, Gobbledegook, strange things are happening lately. TJ together with Egbert and her friend from school Linda will find out what is going on and discover that their families are more similar than they thought. A series full of humor to practice the English language that includes a glossary and an audio CD of the narration. In addition, you can also enjoy other books in the collection as My Mum the Pirate and My Uncle Wal the Werewolf. (Editorial Summary)... Leer

Edelvives, Zaragoza, 2018
Colección: Wacky Families
De 10 a 12 años. Novela. Inglés.
119 p.; 15x21 cm.; rústica; 1ª ed., 1ª imp.; papel; ISBN: 978-84-140-1120-1
All families have their peculiarities, some more than others! Cecil likes to read and study, but belongs to a family of pirates who only know how to sail the seas and fight with other boats, although always with good intentions. One fine day Cecil convinces his family to start going to school, which he achieves thanks to a hole in time. He adapts perfectly, but the families day, his mother will not behave like the others... A collection full of humor to practice the English language. Includes a glossary and an audio narration CD. (Editorial Summary)... Leer

Edelvives, Zaragoza, 2018
Colección: Wacky Families
De 10 a 12 años. Novela. Inglés.
135 p.; 15x21 cm.; rústica; 1ª ed., 1ª imp.; papel; ISBN: 978-84-140-1122-5
All families have their peculiarities, some more than others! Buster is a boy-werewolf who lives with his family of werewolves quietly until his parents disappear mysteriously. Thanks to his nose (when he is a wolf), his intelligence (when he becomes a child) and a detective girl named Prunella, he will discover what has happened and will understand the advantages of being a little special. A series full of humor to practice the English language that includes a glossary and an audio CD of thenarration. In addition, you can also enjoy other books in the collection asMy Mum the Pirate and My Uncle Wal the Werewolf. (Editorial Summary)... Leer
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