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Bright monn
Babidi-Bú, Sevilla, 2016
Colección: La estrella bailarina
De 4 a 6 años. Álbum Ilustrado. Inglés.
34 p.; 17x24 cm.; rústica; 1ª ed., 1ª imp.; papel; ISBN: 978-84-16484-47-8
Once upon a time, the Moon fell in love for a Prince and decided to come down to Earth to join him, but as the years passed the Moon changed her mind and took back her place in the Sky leaving her family for good. Once day, her daughter Bright falls for a Prince just like her mother did. The Moon helps her so that she can meet her Prince at a ball, but what if his father, the King, finds out about Bright"s true identity? (Información de la editorial)... Leer
Orientación didáctica:
VALUES.-Even if Bright was raised in modest conditions, her humble spirit and gentle ways have always been worthy of a true Princess. The main purpose of this fairytale is to show that noble souls can Always be found among the common people.
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