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SelfMadeHero, Londres, 2015
De 14 a 16 años. Cómic. Inglés.
144 P.; 17x24 cm.; 1ª ed., 1ª imp.; papel; ISBN: 9781906838799
Today we publish Vincent, a graphic biography of Van Gogh by Dutch creator Barbara Stok. The second book in SelfMadeHero's Art Masters series, Vincent documents the brief and intense period of creativity Van Gogh spent in Arles, Provence. Away from Paris, the painter falls in love with the landscape and light of the South of France, and dreams of setting up an artists' studio in Arles. But attacks of mental illness leave him disorientated and confused. Vincent breathes new life into this fascinating story of art, friendship and brotherly love. (Resumen de la editorial)... Leer
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